Thursday, June 7, 2018

What I did last Thursday

When I was given the opportunity to be one of the judges in a panel of three to review the presentation given by Lula, a senior at Woodstock Day School , I jumped at the chance  and I am so glad that I did.
Lula's senior project was all but not only about knitting.

For everyone’s benefit, let me rehash a little about her project.  
Because Lula feels passionate about knitting, she wanted her project to have to do with knitting.  And knitting she did, she even started a knitting club and got other students and teachers involved and was allowed to knit during class.  The last fact had the added benefit to her own focus to better absorb class material ( check out “ Health Benefits” on my bog).

Lula choose to knit a total of four blankets for the Charity “ Warm up America”
She calculated how many squares/ rectangles she needed to get done each day to finish in time and quickly realized that she needed to make this into a campaign, even offering to teach knitting to those non-knitters who wanted to come aboard.

Lula learned so much about the different Yarns and stitches and how to collaborate such a huge undertaking.
At the end of the presentation which was about 1/2 hour long,  I was thoroughly impressed not only by the project itself, but also by the young woman who saw it all through.

I am glad that in the end not all of the squares were used for the blankets for Warm up America. I hope that she can make a blanket for herself out of those left over knitted squares.  A blanket to keep and to warm her with memories of her journey back when she was a senior at Woodstock Day School. I wish her much joy and success in the next chapter of her life which is college as well as with all future endeavors.

It inspires me so to see the younger generation discover a passion for the hand crafts and especially knitting and then even turn it around and use that to give to others in need.  Well done, Lula!


  1. Love your post! What a neat young woman!

  2. What a great project Lulu undertook and what an honor that you were asked to be part of the judging panel.

    1. Thank you, Bobbi. It was a nice experience for me and I am quite impressed by this young lady.
